September 2003 09/05/03 Spent the next couple hours trying to get that slug out of there. Not too easily done alone. Next time I'll get some help. A local radiator shop was able to patch it up and perform a pressure check. I suppose he could have sold me a core. Maybe next year I'll do that if it's not cooling well. Managed to get a neighbor to help me get it back in place. Gotta love those fine thread long bolts that hold the rad in. Reconnected everything and filled it up. Took almost three gallons. Lots o' juice. Fired it up and kept filling. After the t-stat opened I capped it and watched, and watched. The smoke coming off the newly painted rad was a little unnerving but went away. After the fluid was flowing and all the parts warm to hot I added more juice and checked the overflow bottle. Added more to that. Heard some gurgling from there but that stopped after the fans kicked on and off again. Seems to be working OK. Wound some safety wire around the fan motors and brackets to keep this from happening again. 09/13/03 Anyway. We took a nice four hour drive along the peak to peak highway from Golden Gate State Park to Estes Park and then down to Longmont to find a brew pub. Nice drive. None of the cars broke down. The scenery was beautiful. Some areas had the first blanket of snow on the trees. Should be some good aspen color soon. An excuse for another drive? I think so. 09/14/03 A terrific lineup of automobiles. See the pictures. The minis were tucked way back in the corner this year. I thought I had heard this was the first year they participated. Not sure. Huge amount of MGs and Triumphs. A good showing of Jags too. Love the E type. Found some late 90's magazines with articles about restoring Interceptors. Later in the day a gentleman walked up looking very interested. Came to find he has a convertible Interceptor that was sitting at home. Next year maybe. After all the Judging was completed, Keith drove in with his black Interceptor. Going through some restoration currently. We stood around for a while and took pictures. We decided we should all get together to tell lies and drink some beer. We'll see if it happens before next year. All in all a great weekend with some great people and fine automobiles. Looking forward to next year. 09/20/03 David was also kind enough to send along some pictures of the correct way to attach and adjust the throttle linkage and the kick down rod or throttle rod as the manual calls it. I rearranged my controls to work more as the designers had intended. Still need to find another set of hands to help adjust the rod. I went to the local Chrysler parts house looking to order the spring that tensions the throttle rod. The parts guy said he has trouble with the older stuff but jumped right in. After a while he came back and said that the part has been discontinued from the factory. (Not much of a surprise) He did give me the number of a dealership in New Jersey that was supposed to have one. As I was leaving, I realized that my car was older than the parts guy behind the counter. Makes me feel old sometimes. I did put a generic spring in place for now to see what effect it might have. Stopped at a parts house on Sunday to get some odds and ends. Came out with some mag/aluminum wheel polish made by Mothers. I like pretty much everything they make. Tried some on the wheels. Wow! Took huge amounts of black gunk off and almost started to get a shine. Not sure if I have the elbow grease required but I think they could actually look pretty good. I think I'll have to take them to a pro though. There's some pitting on the spokes that I just won't be able to rub out. I just love driving this beast! 09/28/03 Seems to be the time of year for some driving. The weather is cooling and my Interceptor loves it. Took the beast out for a half day drive along the Peak to Peak Highway west of Denver. Started before most people got on the road. Clear and bright this morning. The aspen trees are brilliant yellow patches mixed in the deep green of the pine. On my way down the hill, most people were starting up. Nice to miss the traffic. I guess I'm not sure if my secondaries are opening either. The acceleration is crisp and strong but no "whooof" when floored. I still need to find a helper to look into this issue. It was fun driving the curves and the hills. At one point I had a very strange negative G sensation. I was in second and accelerating through an uphill curve which suddenly turned into a downhill curve in the opposite direction. I felt the back end rising as I let off the accelerator. The red light between the speedo and tach came on for about a second. Somebody remind me, what's that light for? Got a charge out of that sensation. Too much fun. I am bonding with the car. Have to get the seats redone though. My backside isn't as padded as it once was. Drive on! |